2" Lime Green Satin Blanket Binding 4-3/4 YD Wrights
Regular price $7.99 Sale price $5.49 Save $2.501 package of Wrights satin blanket binding in lime green, 100% polyester, washable and dry-cleanable. 4 3/4 yards per package, 2 inches wide.
I have a small sewing business and the value is great for the same Wright's binding in the stores. Fast delivery service too. I have recommended this company to several of my friends. We love it.
I've purchased from Dove Originals several times. Very fast shipping. The blanket binding is always great quality.
I always know that if I need blanket binding this is the place to go. Ordering is quick and easy and shipment time is great.
Just what I was looking for, and fast shipping
Excellent product, use it in my business everyday (Blanket Creations) and it takes my customs back a bit the satin binding they love it, it reminds them of their grandmas