Lilac and Metallic Gold Crossover Braid 5/8"
Regular price $6.43Lilac and metallic gold crossover gimp braid, 5/8 inch overall. The metallic gold is mixed with black threads to create a subtle antique look to the braid's edges and center design. Very elegant trim. Rayon, cotton, and metallic blend, perfect for home decorating projects such as drapes, valences, and pillows. Sold by the yard. Available in stock in the following colors: black, brown, aqua, sky blue, wine, Aztec gold, sage green, purple, dusty rose, beige, and white. Please enter the word 'crossover' in the upper right search box to see all colors.
I got several colors of this trim and all of them are very vibrate and beautiful.
A Beautiful trim perfect for crazy quilting! I am very happy with the color and the delicate look. I will be buying more!
I bought this because I love the colors and just had to have it, I'm sure I'll figure out a project for it! It has a really interesting texture which makes the gold seem to glitter. It came very nicely carded and protected as well.