Recently we’ve had a number of requests for double sided chainette fringe. However, by definition, chainette fringe is open at the bottom and is simply held in place for ease of sewing by a pull cord at the bottom. There really isn’t a commercial product call double sided chainette fringe that I’m aware of. However, there are two methods for making your own from regular chainette fringe.
The first photo below shows the header or top portion in a section of 12 inch long black chainette; the next photo below shows the standard double pull cord at the bottom. Almost all chainette fringe over 6 inches in length has a double pull cord at the bottom.
There are two methods you can use to make your own double sided fringe to use as an insert in a skirt or dress, or as a sleeve: Method 1 - Attach a ribbon which requires sewing or Method 2 - Use iron on seam binding. A ribbon edge will be more decorative and finished looking for a sleeve but if both ends of the fringe are to be inserted into a seam then iron on seam tape will work .
Method 1: Sewn Ribbon
To better illustrate the procedure for sewing double sided chainette fringe, I choose a 5/8 inch wide contrasting jacquard ribbon in a metallic silver and gold. Depending upon the look you want, you could use a matching color ribbon or a contrasting one. A satin ribbon will give a softer look. Just be sure that the ribbon you select is wide enough to lap over the upper pull cord by about 1/8 inch and extend to the bottom edge of the fringe. With this approach there’s no need to trim the fringe after sewing or to remove the pull cord threads.
To begin, ensure that all of the fringe strands are evenly caught under the pull cords as this is the end where you will attach your ribbon. If they have slipped out from beneath the pull cord, you will need to be a bit more careful in stitching them down. You can see from the second photo above that the strands are even beneath the pull cords of the fringe that I used.
Stitch with the ribbon underneath the fringe to prevent the strands from catching in the feed of the sewing machine. Also, by placing the ribbon beneath the fringe, you can more easily ‘capture’ and stitch down any strands that may have come loose from the pull cords. I pinned the ribbon and fringe together for ease of sewing but be careful not to sew over any pins as this is not good for your machine. See photo below.
Using a thread that matches your ribbon, stitch on top of each pull cord. I set my stitch length to 1.5. When you’re finished stitching, trim any loose threads and any uneven ends of the fringe. You can now attach the header end of your fringe to your garment . See photos below.
Method 2: Iron On Tape
To create double sided fringe without sewing, you will need iron on seam binding in the same color as your fringe, an iron, and a Teflon press cloth. Place your fringe face up ON the Teflon pressing cloth. The Teflon cloth will prevent any excess adhesive from the tape from sticking to your ironing board. Following the directions on the package of iron-on seam binding, apply the tape over the pull cords making sure to keep the strands of chainette even.
Iron on the seam tape over the pull cords, being careful to avoid having the iron come in contact with the fringe that will show on your garment. When you’ve finished a section, let the iron on-tape cool and carefully remove the fringe from the press cloth. If some of the adhesive from the tape sticks to the Teflon cloth, it is easily removed. This method avoids sewing but does not give as nice a finish as ribbon and you may need to do some trimming. However, it’s adequate if both edges of the fringe are to be inserted into a seam.
Have fun!
By Florence Dove Google
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