Rickrack trim is colorful, inexpensive, and comes in a variety of widths to meet every need and in a variety of materials to help you achieve exactly the look you want.
Polyester Rick Rack
Polyester maxi rick rack is a good choice for home decorating projects such as curtains and towels as it is easy care and makes a bold statement. Rayon rick rack with its attractive sheen is ideal for garments where a more decorative finish is desired. 100 percent cotton rickrack is perfect for use on vintage style projects when you want a genuine antique appearance.
Rick rack trim comes in 3 yard retail packages or in bulk. Dove Originals Trims offers bulk rickrack trim in 15 yard lots which is economical for larger projects and helpful in reducing seams on projects such as quilts.
Most sewers and quilters simply attach a single row of rick rack to their project by stitching down the center, but there are many other ways to use this versatile trim.
Quilting with Rick Rack
My favorite way to use rick rack trim is to insert it into the binding on a quilt. Either rayon or polyester rick rack can be used. Cut a length to match each side and the top and bottom. Using a basting stitch and matching thread, stitch the rickrack down at the edge of the quilt sandwich to hold it in place being sure that corners match appropriately. About half the rick rack should show from beneath the binding when it is stitched in place. (See photos at the top of the page.) Bind your quilt as usual. Easy and effective!
Rick rack can also be overlapped to create a totally different look (See below.). Use two or three layers layered on top of each another with a small gap between. For two layers of rickrack, stitch down the center being sure to catch both. For 3 layers, stitch down the first two, cover the stitching with the third layer, and stitch it down. Easy! Try red and white rick rack on navy fabric or red and navy on white fabric. This is an especially pretty and inexpensive way to dress up the bottom of a little girl’s dress.
For another look, braid two lengths of rickrack trim together in an over and under pattern. Begin by pinning down two ends of rick rack and braid to a padded board, making sure to keep to the same over and under pattern. When you have the length you need press and stitch to your project. This technique creates an entirely new look, and can be used with any size rick rack. The only caveat is that the two rick racks trims used much be of equal width. (Examples follow.)
Enjoy! Regards, Flo
By Florence Dove Google
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